I would just like to take this opportunity to thank young people for affording me the opportunity to re-live THE MOST REPULSIVE PEACE-TIME DECADE IN RECORDED HISTORY. If you are a young person reading this (I don’t know who. I’m gonna write like I have readership OK?) and you are taken aback by my clichéd older person's reticence to accept the new order, consider this: The cycle of ‘rediscovery’ is so frighteningly tight (and getting tighter) that by the time you are my age, you will have been force fed an increasingly charicatured, Chinese whispered version of your youth (which was already mostly pilfered) maybe 8 times. That’s a whole lotta pastel. Perhaps too much for many. The future probably will look like the future in Back to the Future and it’s something I’m never going to be ready for.